Ascend Founder Profile: Dave Siegfried - LOANtuitive

This is a series of real talk blog posts meant to let founders share a bit about themselves and their companies without the marketing jargon and “killing it” puffery of most tech startup profiles.

What does your company do, for who, in plain English please!

LOANtuitive empowers commercial mortgage brokers to match loan requests to lenders better than anyone else.

What's a typical day like for you, from wakeup ‘til bed?

The typical day I strive for includes waking up by 5:30 am, two cups of coffee while sending emails / working on more creative tasks. By 7:00am I bike ride for 10 to 20 min to get the blood pumping and clear my head. By 8:00 am I’m usually in my first meeting. Later in the day I try to step away from the computer for an hour to go to the gym. I try to break from working by 6:00 pm so that I can spend time with my husband before working a few more hours. My last task for the day is preparing the coffee machine for the next morning before reading in bed.

What keeps you up at night?

It varies, though it is usually something I’m excited for or anxious about. Generally a problem I’m trying to work through.

What brings you joy?

Family, Friends, Team. I’m fortunate that my personal Venn diagram would intersect with each.

What is one word you hate to hear?


What is one word you love to hear?


What was your biggest failure in the past year?

Finding balance between the I time spent working and time I spent with family and friends.

What was your greatest accomplishment in the past year?

Assembling our current team at LOANtuitive.

Who or what inspires you most?

The people I’ve been fortunate enough to surround myself with.

What's your best tool for managing stress?

I find consistent exercise is the best lead indicator for whether I will feel stressed or calm.

What's getting the most burn on your playlist right now?

The archived streaming set from KEXP’s Friday Night with Michele Myers

Favorite shoes?

Whichever pair is closest to the door I’m leaving from.

Favorite cooking ingredient?

I use DoorDash too often. When I don’t its a dash for garlic salt in what ever dish it is I’ve MacGyver’d from our refrigerator.
